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Solution for Angry

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When someone is angry, then the brain is programmed to react aggressively to increase blood pressure, heart rate and adrenaline. This condition triggers the physical changes that make a person feel the strength and power. So as not to be a disease, begin to control anger. Angry emotions that arise will stimulate the left side of the brain that are part of the brain that functions to control emotions. The body will react that starts with breathing heavier.

As a result, the heart will beat faster to pump oxygen, adrenaline and blood sugar levels more into the bloodstream. Besides tightening the muscles and blood vessels as well as increased blood pressure, which makes the body ready for action.

Emotion of anger that lasted for long periods or frequently will put stress on the body which can lead to medical problems or diseases as quoted from Lifemojo, Friday (15/07/2011), namely:

1. Heart disease
2. Chronic back pain
3. In the stomach and digestive problems
4. High blood pressure (hypertension)
5. Depression
6. Insomnia
7. Thoughts of suicide

To release the tension formed in the body, a person usually vent their emotions through the yelling, screaming, slamming a fist or something to hold emotions.

Dr Laurence J Peter said the best thing to do when you're angry is to control the anger. He suggested to speak or write what she feels.

There are also some other things you can do to help control the anger that is:

1. Try to calm myself by counting the numbers from 1 to 10, eventually the anger will diminish or disappear.
2. Doing certain exercises that can trigger sweating
3. Try to think of something funny or fun so that it can replace negative thoughts into more positive
4. Yourself and relax the muscles in the body through meditation, yoga or lying with her eyes closed
5. Exit the room for a moment so that it can get fresh air can make the body calm down and relax.

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