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Houses in Roadside Create High Blood Pressure

Houses in Roadside Create High Blood PressurePerhaps you feel you've done all things well to prevent the arrival of the disease. Eat nutritious foods, exercise regularly, not smoking and reducing stress. But it turned out after the check to the doctor, your blood pressure high stated. It could be that because you live on the edge of a street full of noise.

Hypertension or high blood can result from many factors, ranging from the wrong diet, lifestyle is not healthy to stress. But the researchers found a new cause that may be underestimated by people with hypertension, which is noise. Those who have a house on the edge of the road was subject to risk of hypertension.

Researchers say that those who have a house by the road and often hear the horn, brakes screeching roar, or at risk of hypertension or high blood pressure greater than those who lived in the complex or housing.

A team from University Hospital in Sweden to analyze the 28,000 participants who live in Scania, a province in the south of Sweden to find out the relationship between the effects of noise with hypertension.

Apparently the researchers found that those who reside near the crowd or street, the sound levels above 60 decibels higher blood disease and usually ends in cardiovascular diseases like heart problems or stroke.

The higher the noise level, subject to the risk of hypertension was higher, according to the researchers. "The level of noise also affects blood pressure with age. The older the more severe levels of hypertension," said Theo Bodin, a researcher from University Hospital as reported by Health on Monday (14.9.2009).

As many as 30 percent of the people living in areas of Europe and lintasa and highways with noise levels average 55 decibels or more. "The sound of traffic noise is the source of hypertensive disease to watch out for," said Bodin.

Some other causes of hypertension is a hormone disorders, kidney disease, drugs (birth control pills, alcohol, cocaine, etc.), obesity, and often eat salty foods (high salt content).

Symptoms that arise are usually headache, bleeding from the nose, headache, facial redness and fatigue, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, anxiety and blurred vision. Sometimes people with severe hypertension decreased consciousness and even coma due to brain swelling. This condition is called hipertensif encephalopathy, which requires immediate treatment.

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