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Causes of Child Love Bites

Causes of Child Love BitesTips for Health. For the first time a parent may be surprised to find out that his son loved to bite. Not only parents who like to bite, but could also others. Sometimes this makes the parents become embarrassed by someone else.

Have children who have aggressive behavior is a normal part of child development in the case, just as the development of the ability to speak, walk or other physical development.

Although regarded as normal but it should not be ignored, tell the child that such aggressive behavior like biting is not good and show another way to express their feelings.

There are several reasons why children bite, as quoted from Pediatrics, Wednesday (9/9/2009):

1. In the exploration phase. Infants and children are only able to walk to learn through touch, smell, what you heard and what he felt. If a parent gives a child a new item will be put into the mouth, this is usually done by all the children. And these habits are usually brought to bite people.

2. If you want to grow teeth. Children ages 4 to 7 months is the age a child begins to grow teeth. Gums are swollen or itching will give discomfort in children, so children will find an outlet for free from uncomfortable feelings that are sometimes objects are used.

3. Because they want to protest against something. In children aged around 12 months more will find something interesting and could make him happy. For example by playing a spoon and dropped to the floor or throwing toys. But this usually sparked outrage parents and forbid it. To show his protest forms are usually the children will bite their parents or shouting loudly.

4. Looking for people's attention. When children are in situations where children are not receiving enough attention, then the child will find a way to be noticed by people is by way of a bite. Because children believe that it is an effective way to get attention from others.

5. Imitate what he saw. Children will imitate whatever he sees. If the child is often seen impressions or conduct of the people who like to bite, then it will be imitated by children. Because the kids think it is not something dangerous.

6. Want to get what he wants. The kids try to make every wish and children believe that biting is the most effective way to control others. Like if you want a toy or a playmate and let yourself go, biting is the fastest way to get what he wants.

To stop these habits can not the hard way, because if the child getting scolded the child will make it increasingly becomes a habit-so. The most effective way is to speak properly, use the words positive and persuasive so that children will listen.

If looking for attention are the main reasons children bite, then parents should provide a lot more time with her children, could by reading books or playing together.

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