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Cough Attack, Inflamed activity

Cough Attack, Inflamed activityTips for Health. The rainy season like now many people are infected cough. Was tortured and certainly can interfere with daily activities.Coughing is the body's defense efforts in the respiratory tract and is the body's reaction to the irritation in the throat due to mucus, food, dust, smoke and so on.

Cough due to certain stimuli, such as dust on cough receptor (nose, respiratory tract, and even the ears). Then receptors will flow through nerves to the cough center in the brain. Here will give signals to the muscles of the body to remove foreign materials before, until there was a cough.

But do not think is trivial cough, because if not go away not only interfere with the activity and the body is weak but also often disrupt the sound of people coughing around you.

Cough can be divided into two ie, dry cough that does not exist or only slightly slimy mucus and a cough that mucus when coughing.

Acute cough that occurs suddenly and will disappear in 2 to 3 weeks. While chronic cough can survive more than 3 weeks.

Apart from upper respiratory tract infections such as flu and colds, cough can be caused by several things such as:
1. Allergies or asthma
2. Lung infections such as pneumonia and acute bronchitis
3. Diseases of lung damage such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis
4. Sinusitis
5. Active or passive smokers
6. Air pollution

Here are some tips to relieve cough:
1. Use candy lozenges to relieve a dry cough and itching.
2. Steam baths can help relieve a dry cough because the steam will increase the moisture in the respiratory tract.
3. Drink plenty of water to thin the mucus so that it can be issued.
4. Do not smoke or be around smokers.
5. If the cough is caused by an allergic air then go into the house, close the doors and windows. Use the air conditioner (AC) if possible, do not use the fan that pulled air into the. Shower and change clothes after the outside.
6. If the cough is coming from other allergies, try to keep the source of allergies

Didiek Like Father, father with three kids has a food stall near Komp. Margorejo Surabaya. And the shop was crowded dining visit, it means sir Didiek activities continue to work from dawn until the afternoon, from start spending the day at dawn, then cook in the morning and serve customers? daytime and evening close, this is Mr. Didiek every day.

One morning while en route to one of the traditional markets in Surabaya throat suddenly felt Pak Didiek itching soon coughing.

Until morning to open his food stall Pak Didiek still coughing is disturbing of course all the activities, how Mr. Didiek can serve its customers if Mr. Didiek cough. Because of the economic cost Pak Didiek trying to buy Indo Liquid cough medicine and drank it straight.

Had occurred to Mr. Didiek whether this drug works or not, because the price of a dollar. But the question was lost immediately when Mr. Didiek feel efficacy, coughing subsided and was relieved at the throat.

This proves that the Indo Drug Charge a dollar even though the price but the quality is okay. You will feel the quality of these drugs when you try it when sick. (Advetorial Indofarma)

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