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Tip Stop Flu in Two Days

Tip Stop Flu in Two DaysTips for Health. Symptoms of flu symptoms can be eliminated within 2 days. However, 70% of people with flu are usually only able to relieve symptoms after one week. Often not even the flu symptoms that interfere lasted up to 2 weeks. Why are flu-like symptoms can last longer and how do I prevent it? The following description of Gary Rogg, MD, of Montefiore Medical Center in New York for you.

1.Enough for rest. Sleep plays an important role in strengthening the immune system. The study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that those who slept less than 7 hours per night-risk 3-fold greater with the flu than those who slept 8 hours or more.

Once you have a cold, recovery time will be longer if you are not getting enough rest. "People in general do not like to see you spend time at home in sick. But when you're sick, the most ideal thing to do is stay at home, away from the people and the rest, "said Rogg.

2. Enough fluids. Fluids also play an important role in the recovery process. If you are not visiting the flu go, try to multiply the consumption of water or juice. Lack of fluid can cause discomfort and dehydration, especially because you increase your water needs when sick. Under certain conditions, less fluid in the system could prolong the symptoms of flu. Therefore, you increase the water consumption. Extra fluid you drink will allow the trapped mucus in the nose and chest flow more smoothly, thereby reducing system congestion.

3. Too many decongestant (drug dryer). Difficulty breathing, especially during sleep, due to clogged nose will surely make you tempted to use a decongestant (drug dryer). According Rogg, this drug is safe if a little, but too much will only exacerbate and prolong the symptoms of your flu. If too much, light Rogg, this drug will absorb water, so that makes it easier to breathe, but reproduce the sticky mucus in the sinus. In addition, too much oral decongestant can cause tremors, increased blood pressure and constipation.

4. Treat the wrong disease. The symptoms of the common cold is often confusing because almost the same as other symptoms such as sinus infections and allergies. Many people who suffer from the flu for weeks without realizing that they treat the wrong disease.

Usually feel flu symptoms ranging from neck and reached its peak after a few days. 'm Allergic symptoms appear slowly and tend to survive. Although allergies and colds can cause coughing, runny nose and sneezing, but both diseases can be distinguished from symptoms of muscle pain, fatigue and decreased appetite, which tends to be flu symptoms.

According Rogg, one good way to distinguish the flu and allergies is to use antihistamine. "If you take Claritin and suddenly feel better, then chances are you suffer from allergies."

5. Depending on herbal medicines. You may have heard many claims that herbal medicine was declared effective relieve flu symptoms within a few days. However, light Rogg, you should be more careful because there is little real benefit and have not been able to predict negative effects.

6. Symbol too hard. You still can exercise during a cold, but be sure to lower the intensity. High-intensity exercise might interfere with your immunity. According Rogg, exercise the right when the flu is to walk, not run 5 miles. (OL-08)

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