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Various Benefits of Bananas

Various Benefits of BananasPower Source
Bananas can easily digested, the sugar found in fruit is converted into a good source of energy quickly, and that's good in the formation of the body, to work the muscles, and very good to relieve fatigue.

Benefits for You and Your Baby
Bananas are also recommended for pregnant women consumed because they contain folic acid, which is easily absorbed through the womb fetus. However, do not be too much, because one banana contains about 85-100 calories.

Benefits to Patients with Anemia
Two bananas are eaten by anemia patients each day is enough, because it contains Fe (iron) high.

Benefits for Colon and Stomach Illness
Banana milk mixed with liquid (or put in a glass of liquid milk) can serve as a remedy in cases of intestinal disease. It can also be recommended for patients with abdominal pain and Cholik to neutralize stomach acidity.

A banana served as a defense against inflammation because vitamin C can be quickly processed. He transforms into a dangerous bacillus bacillus friendly. Thus, both will be saved.

Mashed banana or banana cream (such as for baby food), can be consumed by patients suffering from diarrhea.

Benefits for People with Lever
Patients with liver disease consume bananas good two plus one tablespoon of honey, will increase appetite and create a strong.

Benefit for Burn Injuries
Banana leaves can be used for the treatment of burned skin dioles way, a mixture of banana leaf ash plus coconut oil has a cooling influence of the skin.

Benefits for Diabetes
In the Gorontalo (North Sulawesi), type of banana banana goroho local characteristic, is the extra food / essential for those who suffer from diabetes / diabetes mellitus, especially bananas immature goroho, then steamed and mixed with grated young coconut.

1 comment:

nexium online said...

Never read before. Very useful information about Banana

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