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How to Avoid the Fat With Smart

How to Avoid the Fat With SmartFAT calories two times more than protein or carbohydrates. Therefore, the most effective way to reduce your calorie intake is to reduce intake of foods rich in fat. The easiest way is to fill your grocery cart with foods that have undergone the process of controlling the fat and calories. In this way, There can count every gram of fat and calories you consume. Here are some other ways you can use to reduce fat intake.

Use a skillet or heavy saucepan from materials that are not sticky. Also, note the temperature when using oil because oil will expand in hot temperatures. No need to use much oil, if only to soften the onion or garlic. And choose a vegetable oil or olive oil.

Start with ingredients low in fat, such as fish, shellfish, chicken, and low-fat meat.

Choose the cooking techniques are low in fat, such as boiling, cook the meat with a little water, steam, bake or fry with a little oil.

Use marinades (spices for dipping meat / vegetables before cooking) as a fat substitute to taste the food.

Use a high-fat foods, like cheese, in small amounts.

Expand fresh herbs and spices to taste the food. You can also add fresh lemon juice before serving food. This can be refreshing and taste of food.

Always choose lean meat and remove fats seen before cooking. Dispose of poultry skin before eating.

Expand food that can make full longer as vegetables. Low-calorie vegetables and rich in vitamins.

Use fat alternatives such as cheese which has experienced a reduction of fat, skimmed milk, and low-fat yogurt.

Be careful with a rich salad dressing fat. Make sure choose low-fat dressing.

Reduce the fat from grilled foods (like muffins and cookies) by replacing half the fat ingredients with applesauce or other fruit sauce.

Choose dessert fruit-based and it's good served with fruit sauce instead of cream or pudding that contains lots of sugar. (OL-08)

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